




Hill Climbing


function HILL-CLIMB(problem):
    current = initial state of problem
        neighbor = highest valued neighbor of current
        if neighbor not better than current:
    		return current
    	current = neighbor

Hill Climbing Variants

变量 定义
steepest-ascent 选择价值最高的邻居
stochastic 从较高价值的邻居中随机选择
first-choice 选择第一个高价值邻居
random-restart 进行多次爬山
local beam search 选择$k$个价值最高的邻居

Simulated Annealing(模拟退火)

  • 早期,较高的“温度”:更可能接受比当前状态更差的邻居
  • 之后,降低“温度”:接受比当前状态更差的邻居的可能性较小


function SIMULATED-ANNEALING(problem, max):
    current = initial state of problem
        for t = 1 to max:
            T = TEMPERATURE(t)
            neighbor = random neighbor of current
            ΔE = how much better neighbor is than current
            if ΔE > 0:
            	current = neighbor
            with probability e^(ΔE/T) set current = neighbor
    return current

Linear Programming

  • 最小化目标函数$\mathbf{c}_{1} \mathbf{x}_{1}+\mathbf{c}_{2} \mathbf{x}_{2}+\ldots+\mathbf{c}_{\mathbf{n}} \mathbf{x}_{\mathbf{n}}$
  • 约束为$\mathbf{a}_{1} \mathbf{x}_{1}+\mathbf{a}_{2} \mathbf{x}_{2}+\ldots+\mathbf{a}_{\mathbf{n}} \mathbf{x}_{\mathbf{n}} \leq \mathbf{b}$


  • 单纯形
  • 内点法


Constraint Satisfaction



Constraint Satisfaction Problem

  • 变量集合$\left\{\mathrm{X}_{1}, \mathrm{X}_{2}, \ldots, \mathrm{X}_{\mathrm{n}}\right\}$
  • 每个变量的可选集$\left\{\mathrm{D}_{1}, \mathrm{D}_{2}, \ldots, \mathrm{D}_{\mathrm{n}}\right\}$
  • 约束集合$\mathbf{C}$


hard constraints and soft constraints

  • hard constraints:必须满足的约束
  • soft constraints:表达了一些概念,即哪些解比其他解更好

unary constraint and binary constraint

  • unary constraint:$\{A \neq M o n d a y\}$
  • binary constraint:$\{A \neq B\}$

node consistency

当变量域中的所有值都满足变量的一元约束时称为node consistency

arc consistency

当变量域中的所有值都满足变量的二元约束时称为arc consistency。

为了使$X$与$Y$保持arc consistency,从$X$的域中删除元素,直到$X$的每个选择都可以选择$Y$的域中某个元素。


function REVISE(csp, X, Y):
    revised = false
    for x in X.domain:
        if no y in Y.domain satisfies constraint for (X, Y):
        	delete x from X.domain
        	revised = true
    return revised

上述代码是对$X,Y$操作,使其满足arc consistency,并且如果我们进行了修改则返回True,否则返回False。


function AC-3(csp):
    queue = all arcs in csp
    while queue non-empty:
        (X, Y) = DEQUEUE(queue)
        if REVISE(csp, X, Y):
            if size of X.domain == 0:
            	return false
            for each Z in X.neighbors - {Y}:
            	ENQUEUE(queue, (Z, X))
    return true


for each Z in X.neighbors - {Y}:
	ENQUEUE(queue, (Z, X))


CSPs as Search Problems

  • 初始状态:empty assignment(无变量)
  • 操作:给assignment添加$\{\text {variable}=\text {value}\}$
  • 转移模型:显示添加assignment如何更改assignment
  • 目标测试:检查所有分配的变量是否都满足约束
  • 路径成本函数:所有路径具有相同的成本


function BACKTRACK(assignment, csp):
    if assignment complete: return assignment
    var = SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VAR(assignment, csp)
    for value in DOMAIN-VALUES(var, assignment, csp):
        if value consistent with assignment:
            add {var = value} to assignment
            result = BACKTRACK(assignment, csp)
            if result ≠ failure: return result
        remove {var = value} from assignment
    return failure


function BACKTRACK(assignment, csp):
    if assignment complete: return assignment
    var = SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VAR(assignment, csp)
    for value in DOMAIN-VALUES(var, assignment, csp):
        if value consistent with assignment:
            add {var = value} to assignment
            inferences = INFERENCE(assignment, csp)
            if inferences ≠ failure: add inferences to assignment
            result = BACKTRACK(assignment, csp)
            if result ≠ failure: return result
        remove {var = value} and inferences from assignment
    return failure



  • 最小剩余值(MRV)启发式选择:选择具有最小域的变量
  • 度启发式选择:选择度最高的变量


  • 最小约束值启发式:
    • 首先尝试约束最少的变量






def enforce_node_consistency(self):
	Update `self.domains` such that each variable is node-consistent.
	(Remove any values that are inconsistent with a variable's unary
	 constraints; in this case, the length of the word.)
	for var in self.domains:
		words = self.domains[var].copy()
		for word in words:
			if len(word) != var.length:

def revise(self, x, y):
	Make variable `x` arc consistent with variable `y`.
	To do so, remove values from `self.domains[x]` for which there is no
	possible corresponding value for `y` in `self.domains[y]`.

	Return True if a revision was made to the domain of `x`; return
	False if no revision was made.
	overlap = self.crossword.overlaps[x, y]
	if overlap == None:
		return False
	res = False
	wordx = self.domains[x].copy()
	for word1 in wordx:
		flag = False
		for word2 in self.domains[y]:
			if word1[overlap[0]] == word2[overlap[1]]:
				flag = True
		if flag:
			res = True
	return res

def ac3(self, arcs=None):
	Update `self.domains` such that each variable is arc consistent.
	If `arcs` is None, begin with initial list of all arcs in the problem.
	Otherwise, use `arcs` as the initial list of arcs to make consistent.

	Return True if arc consistency is enforced and no domains are empty;
	return False if one or more domains end up empty.
	if arcs == None:
		arcs = []
		for x in self.crossword.variables:
			for y in self.crossword.variables:
				if x != y:
					arcs.append((x, y))
	while len(arcs) != 0:
		(x, y) = arcs.pop(0)
		if self.revise(x, y):
			if len(self.domains[x]) == 0:
				return False
			for z in self.crossword.neighbors(x):
				if z != y:
					arcs.append((z, x))
	return True

def assignment_complete(self, assignment):
	Return True if `assignment` is complete (i.e., assigns a value to each
	crossword variable); return False otherwise.
	return creator.crossword.variables == set(assignment.keys())

def consistent_helper(self, x, y, assignment):
	overlap = self.crossword.overlaps[x, y]
	if overlap == None:
		return True
	word1 = assignment[x]
	word2 = assignment[y]
	return word1[overlap[0]] == word2[overlap[1]]

def consistent(self, assignment):
	Return True if `assignment` is consistent (i.e., words fit in crossword
	puzzle without conflicting characters); return False otherwise.
	for x in assignment:
		for y in assignment:
			if x != y:
				if not self.consistent_helper(x, y, assignment):
					return False
	return True

def order_domain_values(self, var, assignment):
	Return a list of values in the domain of `var`, in order by
	the number of values they rule out for neighboring variables.
	The first value in the list, for example, should be the one
	that rules out the fewest values among the neighbors of `var`.
	words = self.domains[var]
	neighbors = self.crossword.neighbors(var)
	cnts = []
	for word in words:
		cnt = 0
		for neighbor in neighbors:
			if neighbor not in assignment and word in self.domains[neighbor]:
				cnt += 1
	tmp = list(zip(words, cnts))
	tmp.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
	return [word[0] for word in tmp]

def select_unassigned_variable(self, assignment):
	Return an unassigned variable not already part of `assignment`.
	Choose the variable with the minimum number of remaining values
	in its domain. If there is a tie, choose the variable with the highest
	degree. If there is a tie, any of the tied variables are acceptable
	return values.
	variable = list(self.crossword.variables - set(assignment.keys()))
	num_remain = [len(self.domains[var]) for var in variable]
	degree = [len(self.crossword.neighbors(var)) for var in variable]
	tmp = list(zip(variable, num_remain, degree))
	def cmp(x, y):
		if x[1] != y[1]:
			if x[1] > y[1]:
				return 1
				return -1
			if x[2] < y[2]:
				return 1
			elif x[2] > y[2]:
				return -1
				return 0
	sorted(tmp, key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp))
	return tmp[0][0]

def backtrack(self, assignment):
	Using Backtracking Search, take as input a partial assignment for the
	crossword and return a complete assignment if possible to do so.

	`assignment` is a mapping from variables (keys) to words (values).

	If no assignment is possible, return None.
	if self.assignment_complete(assignment):
		return assignment
	var = self.select_unassigned_variable(assignment)
	for value in self.order_domain_values(var, assignment):
		assignment[var] = value
		if self.consistent(assignment):
			result = self.backtrack(assignment)
			if result != None:
				return result
	return None