CS50 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python Lecture 3
Bayesian Networks
- 有向图
- 每个节点代表一个随机变量
- 从$X$到$Y$的箭头表示$X$是$Y$的父节点
- 每个节点$X$都有概率分布$\mathbf{P}(X | \text { Parents }(X))$
- 查询$\mathrm X$:要为其计算分布的变量
- 证据变量$\mathrm E$:事件$\mathrm e$的观察变量
- 隐藏变量$\mathrm Y$:无证据,没有被查询的变量。
- 目标:计算$\mathbf{P}(\mathrm{X} | \mathbf{e})$
Approximate Inference: Sampling
Hidden Markov Model
在HMM中有隐藏状态$\mathrm X_t$和观测值$\mathrm O_t$,两者有依赖关系,一个常见例子如下:
任务 | 描述 |
过滤 | 给定从开始到现在的观测值,计算当前状态的分布 |
预测 | 给定从开始到现在的观测值,计算未来状态的分布 |
平滑 | 给定从开始到现在的观测值,计算过去状态的分布 |
最可能的解释 | 给定从开始到现在的观测值,计算最可能的状态序列 |
If page has no outgoing links, then transition_model should return a probability distribution that chooses randomly among all pages with equal probability. (In other words, if a page has no links, we can pretend it has links to all pages in the corpus, including itself.)
def transition_model(corpus, page, damping_factor):
Return a probability distribution over which page to visit next,
given a current page.
With probability `damping_factor`, choose a link at random
linked to by `page`. With probability `1 - damping_factor`, choose
a link at random chosen from all pages in the corpus.
n = len(corpus)
res = dict()
m = len(corpus[page])
for i in corpus:
if len(corpus[page]) != 0:
if i in corpus[page]:
res[i] = (1 - damping_factor) / n + damping_factor / m
res[i] = (1 - damping_factor) / n
res[i] = 1 / n
return res
def sample_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor, n):
Return PageRank values for each page by sampling `n` pages
according to transition model, starting with a page at random.
Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
res = dict()
for i in corpus:
res[i] = 0
page = np.random.choice(list(corpus.keys()))
for i in range(n):
res[page] += 1
prob = transition_model(corpus, page, damping_factor)
key = list(prob.keys())
value = list(prob.values())
page = np.random.choice(key, p=value)
for i in corpus:
res[i] /= n
return res
def iterate_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor):
Return PageRank values for each page by iteratively updating
PageRank values until convergence.
Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
numlinks = dict()
corpus_reverse = dict()
for i in corpus:
corpus_reverse[i] = set()
if (len(corpus[i]) == 0):
corpus[i] = set(corpus.keys())
for i in corpus:
for j in corpus[i]:
numlinks[i] = len(corpus[i])
n = len(corpus)
page = dict()
for i in corpus:
page[i] = 1 / n
while True:
newpage = dict()
for i in corpus:
newpage[i] = (1 - damping_factor) / n
for j in corpus_reverse[i]:
newpage[i] += damping_factor * page[j] / numlinks[j]
s = 0
flag = True
for i in corpus:
diff = abs(newpage[i] - page[i])
if diff > 0.001:
flag = False
page[i] = newpage[i]
s += page[i]
if flag:
return page
#i=0,1,2, j=0,1
def get_prob(i, j):
if j != 0 and j != 1:
return 0
p = PROBS["mutation"]
if i == 0:
p1 = 1 - p
if j == 0:
return p1
return 1 - p1
elif i == 1:
p1 = 0.5 * (1 - p) + 0.5 * p
if j == 0:
return p1
return 1 - p1
p1 = p
if j == 0:
return p1
return 1- p1
def get_num(people, one_gene, two_genes, person):
zero_gene = set(people.keys()) - one_gene - two_genes
if person in zero_gene:
return 0
elif person in one_gene:
return 1
return 2
def joint_probability(people, one_gene, two_genes, have_trait):
Compute and return a joint probability.
The probability returned should be the probability that
* everyone in set `one_gene` has one copy of the gene, and
* everyone in set `two_genes` has two copies of the gene, and
* everyone not in `one_gene` or `two_gene` does not have the gene, and
* everyone in set `have_trait` has the trait, and
* everyone not in set` have_trait` does not have the trait.
prob = 1
for person in people:
n1 = get_num(people, one_gene, two_genes, person)
p = PROBS["trait"][n1][True]
if person not in have_trait:
p = 1 - p
prob *= p
if people[person]['mother'] == None:
prob *= PROBS["gene"][n1]
father = people[person]['father']
mother = people[person]['mother']
n2 = get_num(people, one_gene, two_genes, father)
n3 = get_num(people, one_gene, two_genes, mother)
p1 = 0
for i in range(n1 + 1):
j = n1 - i
p1 += get_prob(n2, i) * get_prob(n3, j)
prob *= p1
return prob
def update(probabilities, one_gene, two_genes, have_trait, p):
Add to `probabilities` a new joint probability `p`.
Each person should have their "gene" and "trait" distributions updated.
Which value for each distribution is updated depends on whether
the person is in `have_gene` and `have_trait`, respectively.
for person in probabilities:
n = get_num(probabilities, one_gene, two_genes, person)
probabilities[person]["gene"][n] += p
probabilities[person]["trait"][person in have_trait] += p
def normalize(probabilities):
Update `probabilities` such that each probability distribution
is normalized (i.e., sums to 1, with relative proportions the same).
for person in probabilities:
s = 0
for i in probabilities[person]["gene"]:
s += probabilities[person]["gene"][i]
for i in probabilities[person]["gene"]:
probabilities[person]["gene"][i] /= s
s = 0
for i in probabilities[person]["trait"]:
s += probabilities[person]["trait"][i]
for i in probabilities[person]["trait"]:
probabilities[person]["trait"][i] /= s
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