Programming Languages Part A HW3
这次回顾HW3,主要是Standard ML的头等函数和高阶函数。
这次的Challenge Problem挺难的,题目也比较难读懂,建议先阅读如下资料:
(* Coursera Programming Languages, Homework 3, Provided Code *)
exception NoAnswer
datatype pattern = Wildcard
| Variable of string
| UnitP
| ConstP of int
| TupleP of pattern list
| ConstructorP of string * pattern
datatype valu = Const of int
| Unit
| Tuple of valu list
| Constructor of string * valu
fun g f1 f2 p =
val r = g f1 f2
case p of
Wildcard => f1 ()
| Variable x => f2 x
| TupleP ps => List.foldl (fn (p,i) => (r p) + i) 0 ps
| ConstructorP(_,p) => r p
| _ => 0
(**** for the challenge problem only ****)
datatype typ = Anything
| UnitT
| IntT
| TupleT of typ list
| Datatype of string
(**** you can put all your code here ****)
(* problem 1 *)
fun only_capitals str_list =
List.filter (fn a => Char.isUpper(String.sub(a, 0))) str_list
(* problem 2 *)
fun longest_string1 str_list =
fun helper(str1, str2) =
if String.size str1 <= String.size str2
then str2
else str1
List.foldl helper "" str_list
(* problem 3 *)
fun longest_string2 str_list =
fun helper(str1, str2) =
if String.size str1 < String.size str2
then str2
else str1
List.foldl helper "" str_list
(* problem 4 *)
fun longest_string_helper f str_list =
fun helper(str1, str2) =
if f((String.size str1), (String.size str2))
then str1
else str2
List.foldl helper "" str_list
val longest_string3 = longest_string_helper (fn (a, b) => a > b)
val longest_string4 = longest_string_helper (fn (a, b) => a >= b)
(* problem 5 *)
val longest_capitalized = longest_string1 o only_capitals
(* problem 6 *)
val rev_string = String.implode o rev o String.explode
(* problem 7 *)
fun first_answer f list =
fun helper arr =
case arr of
[] => raise NoAnswer
| element::arr_rst =>
case element of
SOME v => v
| _ => helper arr_rst
helper ( f list)
(* problem 8 *)
fun all_answers f list =
fun helper arr =
case arr of
[] => SOME []
| element::arr_rst =>
val tmp = (helper arr_rst)
case tmp of
| SOME res_rst => (
case element of
SOME v => SOME (v @ res_rst)
| _ => NONE
helper ( f list)
(* problem 9 *)
(* a *)
fun sum arr =
case arr of
[] => 0
| a::arr_rst => a + (sum arr_rst)
fun count_wildcards pattern =
case pattern of
Wildcard => 1
| Variable _ => 0
| UnitP => 0
| ConstP _ => 0
| TupleP arr => sum ( count_wildcards arr)
| ConstructorP (str, p) => count_wildcards p
(* b *)
fun count_wild_and_variable_lengths pattern =
case pattern of
Wildcard => 1
| Variable s => String.size s
| UnitP => 0
| ConstP _ => 0
| TupleP arr => sum ( count_wild_and_variable_lengths arr)
| ConstructorP (str, p) => count_wild_and_variable_lengths p
(* c *)
fun count_some_var_curry str pattern =
case pattern of
Wildcard => 0
| Variable s => if s = str then 1 else 0
| UnitP => 0
| ConstP _ => 0
| TupleP arr => sum ( (count_some_var_curry str) arr)
| ConstructorP (str1, p) => count_some_var_curry str p
fun count_some_var(str, pattern) = count_some_var_curry str pattern
(* problem 10 *)
fun fold_helper list =
fun f(a, b) = a @ b
List.foldl f [] list
fun get_var_names pattern =
case pattern of
Variable s => [s]
| TupleP arr => fold_helper ( get_var_names arr)
| ConstructorP (str, p) => get_var_names p
| _ => []
fun check_pat pattern =
val arr = get_var_names pattern
(* 统计出现次数 *)
fun cnt arr x =
case arr of
[] => 0
| a::arr_rst =>
if x = a then (1 + (cnt arr_rst x)) else (cnt arr_rst x)
(* 判断出现次数是否大于1 *)
fun judge arr =
case arr of
[] => true
| a::arr_rst => (a = 1) andalso (judge arr_rst)
judge ( (cnt arr) arr)
(* problem 11 *)
fun match(valu, pattern) =
case (valu, pattern) of
(v, Wildcard) => SOME []
| (v, Variable s) => SOME [(s, v)]
| (Unit, UnitP) => SOME []
| (Const s1, ConstP s2) => if s1 = s2 then SOME [] else NONE
| (Tuple vs, TupleP ps) =>
if (List.length vs) = (List.length ps)
(* 需要加括号 *)
then all_answers match (, ps))
else NONE
| (Constructor(s2,v), ConstructorP(s1,p)) =>
if s1 = s2
then match(v, p)
else NONE
| _ => NONE
(* problem 12 *)
fun first_match value pattern_list =
fun match_helper valu pattern = match(valu, pattern)
SOME (first_answer (match_helper value) pattern_list) handle NoAnswer => NONE
(* problem 13 *)
datatype typ = Anything (* any type of value is okay *)
| UnitT (* type for Unit *)
| IntT (* type for integers *)
| TupleT of typ list (* tuple types *)
| Datatype of string (* some named datatype *)
| Nothing (* for NONE *)
(* 将两个type合并到最宽松的type *)
fun merge_two_type(typ1, typ2) =
case (typ1, typ2) of
(_, Nothing) => typ1
| (Anything, _) => typ2
| (_, Anything) => typ1
| (TupleT list1, TupleT list2) =>
if (List.length list1) = (List.length list2)
(* 需要先let *)
val tmp =, list2)
TupleT ( merge_two_type tmp)
else Nothing
| (IntT, IntT) => IntT
| (UnitT, UnitT) => UnitT
| (Datatype data_type1, Datatype data_type2) =>
if data_type1 = data_type2
then Datatype data_type1
else Nothing
| _ => Nothing
(* 获得pattern对应的type *)
fun get_type origin_list current_list pattern_ =
(* pattern为Wildcard或ConstructorP, 特殊处理 *)
fun type_helper origin_list current_list pattern_ =
case pattern_ of
Wildcard =>
case current_list of
[] => Anything
| (name, data_type, type_)::current_list_rst => (Datatype data_type)
| ConstructorP (str, p) =>
case current_list of
[] => Datatype str
| (name, data_type, type_)::current_list_rst =>
if (name = str) andalso
val t1 = get_type origin_list origin_list p
val t2 = merge_two_type(type_, t1)
(* 重要, 表示可以兼容 *)
not (t2 = Nothing)
then (Datatype data_type)
else (get_type origin_list current_list_rst pattern_)
| _ => Nothing
case pattern_ of
Wildcard => type_helper origin_list current_list pattern_
| Variable s => Anything
| UnitP => UnitT
| ConstP _ => IntT
| TupleP pattern_list => TupleT ( (get_type origin_list origin_list) pattern_list)
| ConstructorP (str, p) => type_helper origin_list current_list pattern_
(* 获得pattern_list中每个pattern的type *)
fun get_type_list list pattern_list = (get_type list list) pattern_list
(* 合并typelist *)
fun merge_list(list, res) =
case list of
[] => res
| type_::list_rst => merge_list(list_rst, merge_two_type(type_, res))
fun typecheck_patterns(list, pattern_list) =
val type_list = get_type_list list pattern_list
val res = merge_list(type_list, Nothing)
if res = Nothing
then NONE
else SOME res
(* Homework3 Simple Test*)
(* These are basic test cases. Passing these tests does not guarantee that your code will pass the actual homework grader *)
(* To run the test, add a new line to the top of this file: use "homeworkname.sml"; *)
(* All the tests should evaluate to true. For example, the REPL should say: val test1 = true : bool *)
use "01_homework-3_hw3provided.sml";
val test1_1 = only_capitals ["A","B","C"] = ["A","B","C"]
val test1_2 = only_capitals ["Abc","abC","C"] = ["Abc","C"]
val test1_3 = only_capitals ["bbc","abC","c"] = []
val test2_1 = longest_string1 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test2_2 = longest_string1 [] = ""
val test2_3 = longest_string1 ["Ab","bc","C"] = "Ab"
val test3_1 = longest_string2 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test3_2 = longest_string2 [] = ""
val test3_3 = longest_string2 ["Ab","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test4a_1 = longest_string3 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test4a_2 = longest_string3 [] = ""
val test4a_3 = longest_string3 ["Ab","bc","C"] = "Ab"
val test4b_1 = longest_string4 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test4b_2 = longest_string4 [] = ""
val test4b_3 = longest_string4 ["Ab","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test5_1 = longest_capitalized ["A","bc","C"] = "A"
val test5_2 = longest_capitalized ["a","bc","c"] = ""
val test5_3 = longest_capitalized ["A","bc","C","BD"] = "BD"
val test6_1 = rev_string "abc" = "cba"
val test6_2 = rev_string "aba" = "aba"
val test6_3 = rev_string "" = ""
val test7_1 = first_answer (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME x else NONE) [1,2,3,4,5] = 4
val test7_2 = first_answer (fn x => if x > 4 then SOME x else NONE) [1,2,3,4,5] = 5
val test8_1 = all_answers (fn x => if x = 1 then SOME [x] else NONE) [2,3,4,5,6,7] = NONE
val test8_2 = all_answers (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME [x] else NONE) [2,3,4,5,6,7] = NONE
val test8_3 = all_answers (fn x => if x < 6 then SOME [x] else NONE) [2,3,4,5,6,7] = NONE
val test9a_1 = count_wildcards Wildcard = 1
val test9b_1 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (Variable("a")) = 1
(* val test9c = count_some_var ("x", Variable("x")) = 1
val test10 = check_pat (Variable("x")) = true
val test11 = match (Const(1), UnitP) = NONE
val test12 = first_match Unit [UnitP] = SOME [] *)
(* Homework3 Simple Test*)
(* These are basic test cases. Passing these tests does not guarantee that your code will pass the actual homework grader *)
(* To run the test, add a new line to the top of this file: use "homeworkname.sml"; *)
(* All the tests should evaluate to true. For example, the REPL should say: val test1 = true : bool *)
(* *)
val test1 = only_capitals ["A","B","C"] = ["A","B","C"]
val test101 = only_capitals ["a","B","C"] = ["B","C"]
val test102 = only_capitals ["Abc","ABc","abC"] = ["Abc","ABc"]
val test103 = only_capitals ["1AB","?AB","Abc","ABc","abC"] = ["Abc","ABc"]
val test2 = longest_string1 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test201 = longest_string1 ["A","bc","C", "de"] = "bc"
val test202 = longest_string1 ["A","bc","C", "def"] = "def"
val test3 = longest_string2 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test301 = longest_string2 ["A","bc","C", "de"] = "de"
val test302 = longest_string2 ["A","bc","C", "def"] = "def"
val test4a = longest_string3 ["A","bc","C"] = "bc"
val test4a1 = longest_string3 ["A","bc","C", "de"] = "bc"
val test4a2 = longest_string3 ["A","bc","C", "def"] = "def"
val test4a3 = longest_string3 ["this","list","has","no","capital","letters"] = "capital"
val test4a4 = longest_string3 ["Alabama","Alaska","Arizona","Arkansas","California","Colorado","Connecticut","Delaware","Florida","Georgia","Hawaii","Idaho","Illinois","Indiana","Iowa","Kansas","Kentucky","Louisiana","Maine","Maryland","massachusetts","Michigan","Minnesota","Mississippi","Missouri","Montana","Nebraska","Nevada","New Hampshire","New Jersey","New Mexico","New York","NorthCarolina","North Dakota","Ohio","Oklahoma","Oregon","Pennsylvania","Rhode Island","southCarolina","South Dakota","Tennessee","Texas","Utah","Vermont","Virginia","Washington","West Virginia","Wisconsin","Wyoming"] = "massachusetts"
val test4b = longest_string4 ["A","B","C"] = "C"
val test4b1 = longest_string4 ["A","bc","C", "de"] = "de"
val test4b2 = longest_string4 ["A","bc","C", "def"] = "def"
val test5 = longest_capitalized ["A","bc","C"] = "A"
val test501 = longest_capitalized [] = ""
val test502 = longest_capitalized ["ab", "a", "b"] = ""
val test6 = rev_string "abc" = "cba"
val test601 = rev_string "" = ""
val test7 = first_answer (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME x else NONE) [1,2,3,4,5] = 4
val test701 = first_answer (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME x else NONE) [4,2,3,5] = 4
val test702 = (first_answer (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME x else NONE) [1,2,3] ; false) handle NoAnswer => true
val test7022 = (first_answer (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME x else NONE) [1,2,3] ; false) handle OtherException => true
val test703 = first_answer (fn x => if x > 3 then SOME x else NONE) [1,2,3,4,2] = 4
val test8 = all_answers (fn x => if x = 1 then SOME [x] else NONE) [2,3,4,5,6,7] = NONE
val test801 = all_answers (fn x => if x = 2 then SOME [x] else NONE) [3,2,4,5,6,7] = NONE
val test802 = all_answers (fn x => if x mod 2 = 0 then SOME [x] else NONE) [2,4,5,6,8] = NONE
val test803 = all_answers (fn x => if x mod 2 = 0 then SOME [x] else NONE) [2,4,6,8] = SOME [2,4,6,8]
val test804 = all_answers (fn x => if x mod 2 = 0 then SOME [x, x + 1] else NONE) [2,4,6,8] = SOME [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
val test805 = all_answers (fn x => if x mod 2 = 0 then SOME [] else NONE) [2,4,6,8] = SOME []
val test806 = all_answers (fn x => if x mod 2 = 0 then SOME [x] else NONE) [] = SOME []
val test9a = count_wildcards Wildcard = 1
val test9a01 = count_wildcards (Variable "str") = 0
val test9a02 = count_wildcards (TupleP [Wildcard, ConstP 12, Wildcard]) = 2
val test9a03 = count_wildcards (ConstructorP("pattern", (TupleP [Wildcard, ConstP 12, Wildcard]))) = 2
val test9b = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (Variable("a")) = 1
val test9b01 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths Wildcard = 1
val test9b02 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (TupleP [Wildcard, ConstP 12, Wildcard]) = 2
val test9b03 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "str", Wildcard]) = 5
val test9b04 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "str", Wildcard, Variable "str2"]) = 9
val test9b05 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (ConstructorP("pattern", (TupleP [Wildcard, ConstP 12, Wildcard]))) = 2
val test9b06 = count_wild_and_variable_lengths (ConstructorP("pattern", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "str", Wildcard]))) = 5
val test9c = count_some_var ("x", Variable("x")) = 1
val test9c01 = count_some_var ("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, ConstP 12, Wildcard])) = 0
val test9c02 = count_some_var ("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "str", Wildcard])) = 0
val test9c03 = count_some_var ("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Wildcard])) = 1
val test9c04 = count_some_var ("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Wildcard, Variable "x"])) = 2
val test9c05 = count_some_var ("x", (ConstructorP("pattern", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Wildcard])))) = 1
val test9c06 = count_some_var ("x", (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Wildcard])))) = 1
val test10 = check_pat (Variable("x")) = true
val test1001 = check_pat (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Wildcard]) = true
val test1002 = check_pat (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Variable "y"]) = true
val test1003 = check_pat (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Variable "x"]) = false
val test1004 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", Wildcard]))) = true
val test1005 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", ConstructorP("y", Variable "y")]))) = true
val test1006 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", ConstructorP("y", Variable "x")]))) = false
val test1007 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", ConstructorP("y", TupleP [Variable "y"])]))) = true
val test1008 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", ConstructorP("y", TupleP [Variable "z"])]))) = true
val test1009 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", ConstructorP("y", TupleP [Variable "x"])]))) = false
val test1010 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (ConstructorP("y", TupleP [Variable "x", Variable "y"])))) = true
val test1011 = check_pat (ConstructorP("x", (ConstructorP("y", TupleP [Variable "x", Variable "x"])))) = false
val test1012 = check_pat (TupleP [Wildcard, Variable "x", TupleP [Variable "y"]]) = true
val test11 = match (Const(1), UnitP) = NONE
val test1101 = match (Const(1), ConstP 1) = SOME []
val test1102 = match (Const(1), Variable "s") = SOME [("s", Const(1))]
val test1103 = match (Const(1), TupleP [Wildcard]) = NONE
val test1104 = match (Const(1), TupleP [ConstP 1]) = NONE
val test1105 = match (Tuple [Unit], TupleP [UnitP]) = SOME []
val test1106 = match (Tuple [Tuple [Unit]], TupleP [TupleP[UnitP]]) = SOME []
val test1107 = match (Tuple [Tuple [Unit]], TupleP [TupleP[UnitP, Variable "x"]]) = NONE
val test1108 = match (Tuple [Const(1), Tuple [Unit]], TupleP [ConstP 1, TupleP[UnitP]]) = SOME []
val test1109 = match (Tuple [Const(1), Tuple [Unit, Const(2)]], TupleP [ConstP 1, TupleP[UnitP, Variable("s")]]) = SOME [("s", Const(2))]
val test1110 = match (Tuple [Const(1), Tuple [Unit, Const(2)]], TupleP [ConstP 2, TupleP[UnitP, Variable("s")]]) = NONE
val test1111 = match (Tuple [Const(1), Tuple [Unit, Const(2)]], TupleP [ConstP 1, TupleP[UnitP, Variable("s"), Wildcard]]) = NONE
val test11_ctor1 = match(Constructor("A", Const 12), ConstructorP("B", ConstP 12)) = NONE
val test11_ctor2 = match(Constructor("A", Const 12), ConstructorP("A", Variable "XYZ")) = SOME [("XYZ", Const 12)]
val test12 = first_match Unit [UnitP] = SOME []
val test1201 = first_match Unit [Variable ("s")] = SOME [("s", Unit)]
val test1202 = first_match (Tuple [Const(1), Tuple [Unit, Const(2)]]) [(TupleP [ConstP 1, TupleP[UnitP, Variable("s")]])] = SOME [("s", Const(2))]
val test1203 = first_match (Tuple [Const(1), Tuple [Unit, Const(2)]]) [(TupleP [ConstP 1, TupleP[UnitP, ConstP 3]])] = NONE
(* test 13 *)
val test1301_1 = get_type_list [] [ConstP 10, Variable "a"]
val test1302_1 = get_type_list [] [ConstP 10, Variable "a", ConstructorP("SOME",Variable "x")]
val test1303_1 = get_type_list [] [TupleP[Variable "a", ConstP 10, Wildcard], TupleP[Variable "b", Wildcard, ConstP 11], Wildcard]
val test1304_1 = get_type_list [("Red","color",UnitT),("Green","color",UnitT),("Blue","color",UnitT)] [ConstructorP("Red", UnitP), Wildcard]
val test1305_1 = get_type_list [("Sedan","auto", Datatype "color"),("Truck","auto",TupleT[IntT, Datatype "color"]),("SUV","auto",UnitT)] [ConstructorP("Sedan", Variable "a"), ConstructorP("Truck", TupleP[Variable "b", Wildcard]), Wildcard]
val test1306_1 = get_type_list [("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])] [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[ConstP 10, ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP)]), Wildcard]
val test1307_1 = get_type_list [("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])] [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[Variable "k", Wildcard])]
val test1308_1 = get_type_list [("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])] [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[ConstructorP("Sedan", Variable "c"), Wildcard])]
val test1308_2 = get_type_list [("Red","color",UnitT),("Green","color",UnitT),("Blue","color",UnitT), ("Sedan","auto", Datatype "color"),("Truck","auto",TupleT[IntT, Datatype "color"]),("SUV","auto",UnitT), ("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])] [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[ConstructorP("Sedan", Variable "c"), Wildcard])]
val test1309_1 = get_type_list [] [TupleP[Variable "x", Variable "y"], TupleP[Wildcard, Wildcard]]
val test13010_1 = get_type_list [] [TupleP[Wildcard, Wildcard], TupleP[Wildcard, TupleP[Wildcard,Wildcard]]]
val test1301 = typecheck_patterns([], [ConstP 10, Variable "a"]) = SOME IntT
val test1302 = typecheck_patterns([], [ConstP 10, Variable "a", ConstructorP("SOME",Variable "x")]) = NONE
val test1303 = typecheck_patterns([], [TupleP[Variable "a", ConstP 10, Wildcard], TupleP[Variable "b", Wildcard, ConstP 11], Wildcard]) = SOME (TupleT [Anything,IntT,IntT])
val test1304 = typecheck_patterns([("Red","color",UnitT),("Green","color",UnitT),("Blue","color",UnitT)], [ConstructorP("Red", UnitP), Wildcard]) = SOME (Datatype "color")
val test1305 = typecheck_patterns([("Sedan","auto", Datatype "color"),("Truck","auto",TupleT[IntT, Datatype "color"]),("SUV","auto",UnitT)], [ConstructorP("Sedan", Variable "a"), ConstructorP("Truck", TupleP[Variable "b", Wildcard]), Wildcard]) = SOME (Datatype "auto")
val test1306 = typecheck_patterns([("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])], [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[ConstP 10, ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP)]), Wildcard]) = SOME (Datatype "list")
val test1307 = typecheck_patterns([("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])], [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[Variable "k", Wildcard])]) = SOME (Datatype "list")
val test1308 = typecheck_patterns([("Red","color",UnitT),("Green","color",UnitT),("Blue","color",UnitT), ("Sedan","auto", Datatype "color"),("Truck","auto",TupleT[IntT, Datatype "color"]),("SUV","auto",UnitT), ("Empty","list",UnitT),("List","list",TupleT[Anything, Datatype "list"])], [ConstructorP("Empty",UnitP),ConstructorP("List",TupleP[ConstructorP("Sedan", Variable "c"), Wildcard])]) = SOME (Datatype "list")
val test1309 = typecheck_patterns([], [TupleP[Variable "x", Variable "y"], TupleP[Wildcard, Wildcard]]) = SOME (TupleT [Anything, Anything])
val test1310 = typecheck_patterns([], [TupleP[Wildcard, Wildcard], TupleP[Wildcard, TupleP[Wildcard,Wildcard]]]) = SOME (TupleT [Anything, TupleT[Anything, Anything]])
val test1311 = typecheck_patterns([("Sedan","auto", Datatype "color"),("Truck","auto",TupleT[IntT, Datatype "color"]),("SUV","auto",UnitT)], [ConstructorP("Sedan", Variable "a"), ConstructorP("Truck", TupleP[Variable "b", Wildcard]), ConstP 10]) = NONE
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