CS144 Lab2
这里回顾CS 144 Lab 2: the TCP receiver。
- https://www.cnblogs.com/kangyupl/p/stanford_cs144_labs.html
- https://kangyupl.gitee.io/cs144.github.io/
- https://gitee.com/kangyupl/sponge
Lab 2: the TCP receiver
git checkout -b lab2-startercode
git fetch
git merge origin/lab2-startercode
cd build
make -j4 && make check_lab2
// Construct a `TCPReceiver` that will store up to `capacity` bytes
TCPReceiver(const size_t capacity); // implemented for you in .hh file
// Handle an inbound TCP segment
// returns `true` if any part of the segment was inside the window
bool segment_received(const TCPSegment &seg);
// The ackno that should be sent to the peer
// returns empty if no SYN has been received
// This is the beginning of the receiver's window, or in other words,
// the sequence number of the first byte in the stream
// that the receiver hasn't received.
std::optional<WrappingInt32> ackno() const;
// The window size that should be sent to the peer
// Formally: this is the size of the window of acceptable indices
// that the receiver is willing to accept. It's the difference between
// (a) the sequence number of the end of the window (the first index that
// won't be accepted by the receiver) minus
// (b) the sequence number of the beginning of the window (the ackno).
// Operationally: it's the capacity minus the number of bytes that the
// TCPReceiver is holding in the byte stream.
size_t window_size() const;
// number of bytes stored but not yet reassembled
size_t unassembled_bytes() const; // implemented for you in .hh file
// Access the reassembled byte stream
ByteStream &stream_out(); // implemented for you in .hh file
- stream index($a$): $0\sim 2^{64}-1$
- absolute seqno($b$): $1\sim 2^{64}$
- seqno无偏移情形($c$): $0\sim 2^{32} -1$
- seqno有偏移情形,假设偏移为$e$,($d$): $0\sim 2^{32} -1$
这里已知$ b, e$,计算$d$,利用公式即可:
//! Transform an "absolute" 64-bit sequence number (zero-indexed) into a WrappingInt32
//! \param n The input absolute 64-bit sequence number
//! \param isn The initial sequence number
WrappingInt32 wrap(uint64_t n, WrappingInt32 isn) {
uint64_t m = (1ll << 32);
uint32_t num = (n + isn.raw_value()) % m;
return WrappingInt32{num};
现在的问题是,给定$b_1, e, d_2$,求出$b_2$,其中$d_1, d_2$是相邻的序号。
The checkpoint helps to resolve the ambiguity: it’s a recently unwrapped absolute seqno that the user of this class knows is close to the desired unwrapped absolute seqno for this seqno.
checkpoint有助于解决这种歧义性:它是一个最近解封装的absolute seqno,这个类的用户知道它接近于这个seqno的所需解封装的absolute seqno。
所以根据绝对值函数的性质可得只需要比较$k=-1, 0, 1$的结果即可。
uint64_t get_abs(uint64_t d1, uint64_t d2) {
if (d1 > d2) {
return d1 - d2;
} else {
return d2 - d1;
//! Transform a WrappingInt32 into an "absolute" 64-bit sequence number (zero-indexed)
//! \param n The relative sequence number
//! \param isn The initial sequence number
//! \param checkpoint A recent absolute 64-bit sequence number
//! \returns the 64-bit sequence number that wraps to `n` and is closest to `checkpoint`
//! \note Each of the two streams of the TCP connection has its own ISN. One stream
//! runs from the local TCPSender to the remote TCPReceiver and has one ISN,
//! and the other stream runs from the remote TCPSender to the local TCPReceiver and
//! has a different ISN.
uint64_t unwrap(WrappingInt32 n, WrappingInt32 isn, uint64_t checkpoint) {
WrappingInt32 checkpoint_ = wrap(checkpoint, isn);
// d2 - d1
int32_t delta = n - checkpoint_;
// k = 0
uint64_t r1 = checkpoint + delta;
// k = 1
uint64_t r2 = checkpoint + ((1ll << 32) + delta);
// k = -1
uint64_t r3 = checkpoint - ((1ll << 32) + delta);
// 计算距离
uint64_t d1 = get_abs(r1, checkpoint);
uint64_t d2 = get_abs(r2, checkpoint);
uint64_t d3 = get_abs(r3, checkpoint);
// 分情况讨论
if (d1 < d2) {
if (d1 < d3) {
return r1;
} else {
return r3;
} else {
if (d2 < d3) {
return r2;
} else {
return r3;
make -j4 && ctest -R wrap
Test project /cs144/sponge/build
Start 1: t_wrapping_ints_cmp
1/3 Test #1: t_wrapping_ints_cmp .............. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 2: t_wrapping_ints_unwrap
2/3 Test #2: t_wrapping_ints_unwrap ........... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 3: t_wrapping_ints_wrap
3/3 Test #3: t_wrapping_ints_wrap ............. Passed 0.00 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3
Total Test time (real) = 0.01 sec
TCP receiver
- SYN和FIN时absolute seqno需要加1,序列长度需要减1;
- 注意只要窗口和序列有交集时就可接收;
- 窗口,序列长度为0时需要记为1;
- 注意absolute seqno和stream index之间的转换;
bool TCPReceiver::segment_received(const TCPSegment &seg) {
TCPHeader header = seg.header();
// absolute seqno
uint64_t index;
// absolute seqno
uint32_t abs_seq;
// window size
size_t win_size = window_size();
// 窗口为0则转换为1
win_size = win_size ? win_size : 1;
// seq_len
size_t seq_len = seg.length_in_sequence_space();
// seq_no
WrappingInt32 seq_no = header.seqno;
// SYN
if (header.syn) {
// 如果碰到多次syn则返回false
if (_is_set_syn) {
return false;
// 设置syn, isn
_is_set_syn = true;
_is_set_isn = true;
_isn = header.seqno;
// SYN长度为1
// 第一个位置为1, 因为不包括SYN
_checkpoint = 1;
// 更新abs_seq
_abs_seq = 1;
// syn时长度减1
seq_len -= 1;
// 初始化
index = 1;
// 特殊则返回true
if (seq_len == 0) {
return true;
} else if (!_is_set_syn) {
// 没有syn
return false;
} else {
// relative seqno -> absolute seqno
index = unwrap(seq_no, _isn, _checkpoint);
_checkpoint = index;
// FIN
if (header.fin) {
if (!_is_set_syn) {
return false;
// 更新syn
_is_set_syn = false;
// fin时长度减1
seq_len -= 1;
// seq_len为0时则转换为1
seq_len = seq_len ? seq_len : 1;
// 序列区间[index, index + seq_len)
// 窗口区间[_abs_seq, _abs_seq + window_size)
// 不重合时报错
if (((_abs_seq >= index + seq_len) || (index >= _abs_seq + win_size))) {
return false;
// absolute seqno -> stream index
_reassembler.push_substring(seg.payload().copy(), index - 1, header.fin);
// stream index -> absolute seqno
abs_seq = _reassembler.get_index() + 1;
// 更新对应关系
_abs_seq = abs_seq;
// 为FIN时更新absolute seqno
if (header.fin) {
_abs_seq += 1;
return true;
optional<WrappingInt32> TCPReceiver::ackno() const {
if (_is_set_isn) {
return wrap(_abs_seq, _isn);
} else {
return {};
size_t TCPReceiver::window_size() const { return _capacity - _reassembler.stream_out().buffer_size(); }
make -j4 && make check_lab2
Test project /cs144/sponge/build
Start 1: t_wrapping_ints_cmp
1/25 Test #1: t_wrapping_ints_cmp .............. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 2: t_wrapping_ints_unwrap
2/25 Test #2: t_wrapping_ints_unwrap ........... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 3: t_wrapping_ints_wrap
3/25 Test #3: t_wrapping_ints_wrap ............. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 4: t_recv_connect
4/25 Test #4: t_recv_connect ................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 5: t_recv_transmit
5/25 Test #5: t_recv_transmit .................. Passed 0.04 sec
Start 6: t_recv_window
6/25 Test #6: t_recv_window .................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 7: t_recv_reorder
7/25 Test #7: t_recv_reorder ................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 8: t_recv_close
8/25 Test #8: t_recv_close ..................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 15: t_strm_reassem_single
9/25 Test #15: t_strm_reassem_single ............ Passed 0.00 sec
Start 16: t_strm_reassem_seq
10/25 Test #16: t_strm_reassem_seq ............... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 17: t_strm_reassem_dup
11/25 Test #17: t_strm_reassem_dup ............... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 18: t_strm_reassem_holes
12/25 Test #18: t_strm_reassem_holes ............. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 19: t_strm_reassem_many
13/25 Test #19: t_strm_reassem_many .............. Passed 0.23 sec
Start 20: t_strm_reassem_overlapping
14/25 Test #20: t_strm_reassem_overlapping ....... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 21: t_strm_reassem_win
15/25 Test #21: t_strm_reassem_win ............... Passed 0.29 sec
Start 22: t_strm_reassem_cap
16/25 Test #22: t_strm_reassem_cap ............... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 23: t_byte_stream_construction
17/25 Test #23: t_byte_stream_construction ....... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 24: t_byte_stream_one_write
18/25 Test #24: t_byte_stream_one_write .......... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 25: t_byte_stream_two_writes
19/25 Test #25: t_byte_stream_two_writes ......... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 26: t_byte_stream_capacity
20/25 Test #26: t_byte_stream_capacity ........... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 27: t_byte_stream_many_writes
21/25 Test #27: t_byte_stream_many_writes ........ Passed 0.01 sec
Start 28: t_webget
22/25 Test #28: t_webget ......................... Passed 0.66 sec
Start 48: t_address_dt
23/25 Test #48: t_address_dt ..................... Passed 0.03 sec
Start 49: t_parser_dt
24/25 Test #49: t_parser_dt ...................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 50: t_socket_dt
25/25 Test #50: t_socket_dt ...................... Passed 0.00 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 25
Total Test time (real) = 1.32 sec
[100%] Built target check_lab2
//! \details This function accepts a substring (aka a segment) of bytes,
//! possibly out-of-order, from the logical stream, and assembles any newly
//! contiguous substrings and writes them into the output stream in order.
// push字符串, 要求为index <= _index < index + data.size(), 此处不考虑缓存的问题
bool StreamReassembler::push_substring(const std::string &data, const uint64_t index) {
// 有重叠
int l1 = last_str.size();
int l2 = data.size();
// 忽略空字符
if (l2 == 0) {
return false;
// 新数据和旧数据没有重合
if (index > _index) {
return false;
// 新数据包含在之前的数据中
if (_index >= index + l2) {
return false;
// 特殊情况, 第一次insert或者相邻
if ((l1 == 0) || (_index == index)) {
// 拼接
std::string new_data = data;
size_t l = _output.write(new_data);
// 重要更新, 注意可能超过缓存!!!
last_str += data.substr(0, l);
_index += l;
return true;
int l;
// 一般情形, 此时一定有重叠
// ____
// _____
// 找到重叠位置
std::string res_data;
get_inter(l, l1, l2, last_str, data, res_data);
// 重叠的后续部分
std::string new_data = data.substr(l, l2 - l);
// push
size_t l3 = _output.write(new_data);
// 重要更新, 注意可能超过缓存!!!
last_str += new_data.substr(0, l3);
_index += l3;
return true;
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