



这次回顾Quiz 2。

Question 1

How many strings does the following grammar generate?

  • 2
  • 4
  • 7
  • 8
  • 15
  • 16



Question 2

How many strings does the following grammar generate?

  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 16
  • 31
  • 32
  • 63



Question 3

Which of the following grammar(s) produce regular languages?

[Choose all that apply]

  • $A \rightarrow (A) \mid \epsilon$
  • $A \rightarrow (A(\; \mid \epsilon$
  • $\begin{array}{l}
    A \rightarrow(B) \mid(B B) \\
    B \rightarrow(C C) \mid(C C C) \\
    C \rightarrow(D D D) \\
    D \rightarrow()
  • $A \rightarrow aA \mid b$
  • $A \rightarrow Aa \mid b$
  • $A \rightarrow aaAb \mid \epsilon$
  • $A \rightarrow AAaab \mid \epsilon$
  • $A \rightarrow AAaab \mid aab$


  • $A \rightarrow (A(\; \mid \epsilon:((()^{\star}$
  • $\begin{array}{l}
    A \rightarrow(B) \mid(B B) \\
    B \rightarrow(C C) \mid(C C C) \\
    C \rightarrow(D D D) \\
    D \rightarrow()
  • $A \rightarrow aA \mid b:a^{\star}b$
  • $A \rightarrow Aa \mid b:ba^{\star}$
  • $A \rightarrow AAaab \mid \epsilon:(aab)^{\star}$
  • $A \rightarrow AAaab \mid aab:(aabaab)^{\star}$

Question 4

Considering the following grammar:

Adding which of the following will cause the grammar to be left-recursive?

[Choose all that apply]

  • $B\to C$
  • $D\to B$
  • $A\to D$
  • $D\to A$
  • $C\to 1C$
  • $C\to C+B$


  • $B\to C:B\to C, C\to B+C$
  • $D\to A:A\to C,C\to D$
  • $C\to C+B$

Question 5

Which of the following grammars correctly removes left-recursion from:

[Choose all that apply]

  • $\begin{array}{l}
    S \rightarrow A \alpha \mid \delta \\
    A \rightarrow \delta \beta A^{\prime} \\
    A^{\prime} \rightarrow \alpha \beta A^{\prime} \mid \epsilon
  • $\begin{array}{l}
    S \rightarrow \delta S^{\prime} \\
    S^{\prime} \rightarrow A S^{\prime} \mid \epsilon \\
    A \rightarrow \beta \alpha
  • $\begin{array}{l}
    S \rightarrow A \alpha \mid \delta \\
    A \rightarrow \delta \beta \mid A \alpha \beta
  • $\begin{array}{l}
    S \rightarrow \delta A \alpha \mid \delta \\
    A \rightarrow A^{\prime} A \mid \epsilon \\
    A^{\prime} \rightarrow \alpha \beta


第四项和原语法不等价,因为$\delta \alpha$无法生成。


Question 6

Consider the following grammar:

How many unique parse trees are there for the string $5 \star 3 + ( 2 \star 7 ) + 4$


  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8


  1. $[ [5 \star 3] + (2 \star7) ] + 4$
  2. $[5 \star 3] + [(2 \star 7) + 4]$
  3. $5 \star [ 3 + [(2 \star 7) + 4]]$
  4. $[5 \star [3 + (2 \star 7)]] + 4$
  5. $5 \star [[3 + (2 \star 7)] + 4]$

Question 7

Using the grammar and string from the previous question (Question 6), which of the following rules are necessary to produce a unique parse tree for the string $5∗3+(2∗7)+4$?
[Choose all that apply]

  • addition associates to the left
  • multiplication associates to the left
  • multiplication binds more tightly than addition
  • parentheses bind more tightly than multiplication


Question 8

[Choose all that apply]

  • The language “strings with an even number of $0$’s” is both regular and context-free.
  • The language “$0^n1^n$, where $n > 0$ is an integer” is context-free but not regular.
  • The language “$0^n1^n2^n$, where $n > 0$ is an integer” is context-free but not regular.
  • The language “$0^{n^2}$, where $n > 0$ is an integer” is regular.
  • The language “$0^{n^2}$, where $n > 0$ is an integer” is neither context-free nor regular.


Question 9

Consider following 4 grammars:

G1. $S→aSb∣Sb∣b$

G2. $S→Sa∣Sb∣c$

G3. $S→SaS∣ϵ$

G4. $S→bT,T→aT∣ϵ$

Let n = the number of grammars where there exists a string that has at least two different left-most derivations;
m = the number of grammars where for any string, we only have one parse tree;k = the number of grammars that can be used with a recursive descent parser
Choose the correct value for n,m and k.

  • n =1; m = 2; k = 1
  • n =1; m = 1; k = 0
  • n = 2; m = 2; k = 1
  • n = 2; m = 2; k = 2
  • n = 1; m = 1; k = 1


  • G1,G2满足条件1
  • G2,G4满足条件2
  • G4满足条件3


Question 10

How many distinct strings and parse trees can be generated by the following grammar?

  • 5 strings, 7 parse trees
  • 5 strings, 6 parse trees
  • 6 strings, 7 parse trees
  • 4 strings, 6 parse trees


  • $S\to 101| C1| 1 | 1C1|1$
  • $S\to 101|01|11|1|101|111 |1$




Question 11

Which of the following grammar(s) are unambiguous and recognize the same grammar as:

[Choose all that apply]

  • $E \rightarrow int + E \mid int - E \mid int * E \mid int / E \mid int$
  • $E \rightarrow E+i n t|E-i n t| E * \operatorname{int}|E / i n t| \text { int } t$
  • $E \rightarrow \operatorname{int}+E|E-\operatorname{int}| \operatorname{int} * E \mid E / \text {int} \mid \text { int } t$
  • $E \rightarrow int + E’ \mid int - E’ \mid int + E \mid int - E$
  • $E \rightarrow E’ + E \mid E’ - E \mid E’$

第三项无法产生int - int * int。

第四项无法产生int * int。


Question 12

Let $T_n$ be the string $0^n1$, to be matched with a recursive descent parser using the following grammar:

Is the number of token comparisons needed to (successfully) match $T_n$:

  • $O(1)$
  • $O(n)$
  • $O(n^2)$
  • $O(n^3)$
  • $O(2^n)$
